independant Z-axis with FLY-CDY-V2

I replaced my Duet2wifi with the Mellow’s FLY-CDY-V2 motherboard

My cloned Duet2wifi MB that was running in my I3 bear suddenly refused to start up any longer, so I decided to put my recently purchased Mello FLY-CDY-V2 motherboard in the I3 bear printer.  Up to now, the makerbase Duet2wifi clones keep working properly and all other clones die on me…

During the replacement process I encountered the following issues:

  1. The microSD card sleeve on the board was loose on 1 side. I noticed that the board just got in a frozen status now and then.  The solution I finally discovered was that the microSD card holder had to be soldered back to the board, so the SD card made better contact with the little metal parts inside the holder.  Since the repair, no problems anymore!
  2. The connectors of the Fly vboard are standard X254 connectors, which I prefer.  But, the Duet uses propriatary ones so I had to replace all connectors.  But, I shortened all cables in doing this so I now have a very neat looking etup.
  3.  I had to print a new case for this board. I found only 1 available version that also had a fan in the cover.  Slick and well ventilated.  Available on Thingiverse!
  4. The available help on internet like Github pages are all well documented but you must be certain to choose the V2 version of the board for firmware and so on since the FLY-CDY (without V2) is a completely different board with another processor (LPC).  be aware that things are not comparable between the two boards.  The V2 is not just an upgrade!
  5. The rest on the board is quite clear with regards to usage and placement. All self-explainatory.
  6. The only way to connect your paneldue is via the serial 4-pin connector.  The block cables don’t work ‘as-is’.  The paneldue works flawless.
  7. The firmware and DWC software works very well on this STM32-based board. Also updating works flawlesssly.
  8. The difference that matters most to me is some little issues like different naming conventions, pin naming differences between the 2 boards and so on.  Nothing very difficult but is makes it impossible to swap your configs between the boards without some editing.  I would thing=k that cloning should be done more reliable, that would make the board sell better imho.
  9. There is no breakout/expansion port.  Due to the chosen processor, the potential of the Due2wifi with the many expansion possibilities is niot available on the CDY-FLY-V2.
  10. What you do get on the FLY-CDY-V2:
    1. Neopixel port up to 60 WS2812 LEDS (10 max or more with seperate 5V PSU)
    2. max 4 heaters ( 1 bed, 3 other) 
    3. max 4 temp sensors (1 bed, 3 others)
    4. max  3 controllable (PWM) fan outputs
    5. max 6 steppers with any sort of (pluggable) drivers (UART only, no SPI)
    6. max 6 end- (or other) switch inputs
    7. 12-36 Volt power input
    8. BLtouch port fully functional
    9. wifi unit
    10. DWC webbased DUET2wifi controllable
    11. Laser port
    12. A limited number of controllable GPIO pins are available on the EXP2 and EXP 1 port, this could be used for driving accessories like magnets, valves, extra LED’s and so on (via uplifters/Mosfet boards)
    13. Jumper for setting the power to the min/max switches at VCC or 5V (choose 5V!!)
    14. If you want, the option to have PT100 chip installed gives you 1 input for PT100
    15. The Duet2wifi firmware suite is available for this board through a specific development Github page, and as long as this is maintained updates for the board’s reprap firmware and DWC are available.