April 2021: My first 3d printer I bought back in 2014 finally got the Duet2wifi motherboard installed with 2 new extruders, piëzo Z-probe, new hotend, cabling, power supply, 24 Volt hotbed and 24 Volt fans.
The original motherboard is based on an Arduino Mega and had trouble keeping up with the latest firmware versions.
Besides that, I really want all my printers to have a sturdy wifi accessibility to manage them remotely.
The Duet has proved to be both reliable as easily configurable.

The electronics has been rebuilt to 24 Volt and two Bondtech extruders have been installed, 1 left- and 1 right handed version. But- for the time being only 1 hotend got installed. I will install a properly working mixing hotend later. Or maybe a dual switching hotend, just to try it out.

One of the advantages of the Duet is the reprap firmware. With a delta, reprap 3.2.2 has a G32 command which automatically configures all the difficult settings for the Delta printer like rod lenghts, endstop settings et cetera. Provided that you have a bed.g file with enough 6 or 7-factor probe points.
I used the heater pins of the 2nd extruder as PWM power supply for my LED toplights. If I ever install a dual hotend with 2 nozzles, I will add a Mosfet board that converts 3.3 Volt to 24 Volt and then I will use a spare bed heater pin (most likely GPIO heater pin 4 or five) for the LED top light. This works very well on all my other Duet boards where I connected LED lights to the printer . The LED’s are controlled via the PanelDue touchscreen (macros) and via the start/stop files.
All you need to measure yourself to get the Delta configured is the Z-probe offset versus the nozzle position and the rest will be done through the G32 command. The sequence is: Perform G28, G32, M500, G29 and you’re done. You will have to get the bed.g file for the G32 command to work as such from the escher3d website. I used the 7-factor version.
PS: You don’t need to calibrate G29 at every print. Please look at my homing file for the delta where-, after homing X-Y-X=Z to the top I only have a Z-probe G30 at the bed’s surface. I will attach my final config.g code and all needed additional code for the delta with reprap 3.2.2 so you can benefit from my config.g for the Duet2wifi learnings HERE. Cheers, Jan

PM: Things that are really needed: The Z-probe MUST be as close to the nozzle as possible. I had a BL Touch earlier which was positioned to the side of the center carriage and this never worked as supposed to. It was positioned at 45 mm to the right and 25 mm to the front of the nozzle and this was clearly too far away to get a decent probing for G32. With the BL Touch I never got good Delta basic settings. The Piezo nozzle is a slim 6mm diameter version and has been strapped to the cold end of the E6D with a set of 1mm wires and works perfect.