Free STL download 2-part case for SEEED XIAO nano SAMD or RP2040

This is a tiny case for my XMAS LED projects, with RGB leds WS2811 or 2812B.

Please donate $1 to my paypal account if you use (parts of) my designs so I can continue to share nice stuff for you to download

download STL file small case Xiao nano&LDR&DS3231 with LDR hole 20241127 V14

Please donate $1 to my paypal account if you use (parts of) my designs so I can continue to share nice stuff for you to download

I also added a mini board with a clock chip, DS3231 to the XIAO USB-C board, and an LDR to make the RGB’s brighter when they are used during daylight conditions. An example Arduino code with clock function is HERE.

The LDR is mounted, the clock board is not yet mounted. A clock board is only required if you want to use the clock functions.  Using an LDR is highly recommended.

The LDR is mounted on the XIAO board’s top  on A0 and GND, so it can be flush to the outer skin of the case through the dedicated LDR hole.  Be aware to also add a 10K resistor between A0 and 3v3 since this board does not  have programmable PULL-UP resistors.

The mini DS3231 clock board is  connected to the XIAO’s pins A4 and A5, 3V3 and GND.  There is also a small battery on the little clock board., so the time will always be available.  I mounted the clock board so that the DS3231 chip is flat against the RP2040 chip. Then, the Data in and out of the clock board are then facing D4 and D5 of the RP2040. I used 2 Arduino pin headers to connect these data lines together. 3V3 aand GND are connected between the boards using thin wires.

Output to the LED’s is on pin 3 (D3). For the LEDS, also VCC and GND are required, either from the XIAO board’s VCC and GND pins or from the board’s 5V power supply +5V and GND connections.  The LDR is mounted making use of a little stud, cut off from the tiny clock board since they have to be removed from the clock board anyway.  This makes the LDR fit the box’s LDR hole perfectly.

For resetting an DR2040, a small hole is made to reach the little BOOT switch. This is sometimes required since the RP2040 can get bricked when a non-working void is uploaded.  Push the boot butten when powering up, release the button and the RP2040 is in recovery status. Up[load a simple program and the RP2040 will resume normal functioning. Then, the normal COM port will work again an normal flashing is again possible.

The case has a snap-on lid that will also fixate the outlet cable for the RGB LED’s.

Please donate $1 to my paypal account if you use (parts of) my designs so I can continue to share nice stuff for you to download

free download of a cable connectorbox for 3mm 3-wire RGB LED cable/connectors

Please donate $1 to my paypal account if you use (parts of) my designs so I can continue to do this

download STL file cableconnectorbox_30x14x14mmbox_3mmcable_V3_20241129







GRA-AFCH NixieClockShield_NCS318_V1_94_TZ.ino with Time zone and automated summer/winter time with example video

I added the timezone.lib plus arduino-additional code to the open-source code as GRA-AFCH made this for their  IN-18 nixie clock with Arduino Mega : NixieClockShield_NCS318_V1_94_TZ.

This is a first version that works, but it might require some coding to be done, depending on where you live.

And THIS is HOW it works:  The startup sequence is shown in the below video:

If you’re not in Western Europe, changing the timezone will be needed.

If I want to spend some more time on it, I can make it fully automated to work anywhere in the world and make the timezone setting done via the menu buttons, requires only a one time setting upon installation.  Maybe later.

This 1ST version makes the NIXIE clock sync to UTC with the help of a to be connected standard GPS module . This was already in the code. Then, the clock changes to the correct time zone, including automatic shifting for summer- and wintertime! 

In the code, I used the Western Europe timezone- and winter/summertime settings.  Also, an example is given for a US timezone. Others can be derived from the examples that come with the newly added timezone.lib from

These are the available timezones:

// Australia Eastern Time Zone (Sydney, Melbourne)
TimeChangeRule aEDT = {“AEDT”, First, Sun, Oct, 2, 660}; // UTC + 11 hours
TimeChangeRule aEST = {“AEST”, First, Sun, Apr, 3, 600}; // UTC + 10 hours
Timezone ausET(aEDT, aEST);

// Moscow Standard Time (MSK, does not observe DST)
TimeChangeRule msk = {“MSK”, Last, Sun, Mar, 1, 180};
Timezone tzMSK(msk);

// Central European Time (Frankfurt, Paris)
TimeChangeRule CEST = {“CEST”, Last, Sun, Mar, 2, 120}; // Central European Summer Time
TimeChangeRule CET = {“CET “, Last, Sun, Oct, 3, 60}; // Central European Standard Time
Timezone CE(CEST, CET);

// United Kingdom (London, Belfast)
TimeChangeRule BST = {“BST”, Last, Sun, Mar, 1, 60}; // British Summer Time
TimeChangeRule GMT = {“GMT”, Last, Sun, Oct, 2, 0}; // Standard Time
Timezone UK(BST, GMT);

// UTC
TimeChangeRule utcRule = {“UTC”, Last, Sun, Mar, 1, 0}; // UTC
Timezone UTC(utcRule);

// US Eastern Time Zone (New York, Detroit)
TimeChangeRule usEDT = {“EDT”, Second, Sun, Mar, 2, -240}; // Eastern Daylight Time = UTC – 4 hours
TimeChangeRule usEST = {“EST”, First, Sun, Nov, 2, -300}; // Eastern Standard Time = UTC – 5 hours
Timezone usET(usEDT, usEST);

// US Central Time Zone (Chicago, Houston)
TimeChangeRule usCDT = {“CDT”, Second, Sun, Mar, 2, -300};
TimeChangeRule usCST = {“CST”, First, Sun, Nov, 2, -360};
Timezone usCT(usCDT, usCST);

// US Mountain Time Zone (Denver, Salt Lake City)
TimeChangeRule usMDT = {“MDT”, Second, Sun, Mar, 2, -360};
TimeChangeRule usMST = {“MST”, First, Sun, Nov, 2, -420};
Timezone usMT(usMDT, usMST);

// Arizona is US Mountain Time Zone but does not use DST
Timezone usAZ(usMST);

// US Pacific Time Zone (Las Vegas, Los Angeles)
TimeChangeRule usPDT = {“PDT”, Second, Sun, Mar, 2, -420};
TimeChangeRule usPST = {“PST”, First, Sun, Nov, 2, -480};
Timezone usPT(usPDT, usPST);

Be aware,the way I did this is a Q&D method since i have just hacked  this into an existing piece of code, and only do a rewrite of the RTC’s original time after every sync to GPS with the new timezone and winter/summer time rules, so RTC will then become the new local time, either summer- or wintertime.

Since the time and applying the rules of timezone+ winter/summertime is continuously refreshed, not just the time is very stable, but also the changes between winter- and summertime and vice versa are automated.

The required arduino libraries are on the GRA-AFCH Github pagine:

OR-just download the zipped Libraries from our website.

It works really well, please see the zipped file here or copy/paste the arduino code below (you will need some additional files than can only be retreived from the zip-file below, though).



const String FirmwareVersion = “0196TZ”;
const char HardwareVersion[] PROGMEM = {“NCS318/568 FW 1.94TZ 2021_04_04 add-on for Timezones for HW 1.x HV5122 or HV5222”};

//// This ‘TZ’ firmware addition delivers automated Summer/Winter time changes based on your local time zone settings ////
//// 2023-04-04 The Netherlands, Amsterdam. Please share and re-use! ////
//// This can and may be used in any CLOCK program, with possibly specific minor alteration, due to different libraries and do on ////
//// All of my add-ons are specified in the code! Cheers,, NL ////
//// The approach here is to automatically change the EEPROM hours setting according to the SUMMER/WINTER timecheme ////
//// meaning: Put in the register: a) the time zone (=normal winter time) versus UTC and b) at the switching times the summer ‘+1’ change versus ‘normal’wintertime ///
//// If the user changes the hours setting, this will be overruled at every programmed time change related to summer/ winter time
//Format _X.XXX_
//NIXIE CLOCK SHIELD NCS318/568 for HW 1.x by GRA & AFCH (
//1.94 26.02.2021
//Added: Сhecking the presence of a gps receiver when turned on.
//Return to the previous gps parser
//1.92 21.01.2021
//Added: defines for GPS receiver types
//1.91 29.07.2020
//The driver has been changed to support BOTH HV5122 and HV5222 registers (switching using resistor R5222 Arduino pin No. 8)
//1.90 08.06.2020
//Fixed: GPS timezone issue: added breakTime(now(), tm) to adjustTime function at Time.cpp
//1.89 03.04.2020
//Dots sync with seconds
//1.88 26.03.2020
//GPS synchronization algorithm has been changed (again)
//1.86 23.02.2020
//GPS synchronization algorithm changed
//1.85.3 23.02.2020
//Added: DS3231 internal temperature sensor self test: 5 beeps if fail.
//1.85.2 21.02.2020
//Fixed: Bug with time zones more than +-9
// GPS parser has been replaced by NEOGPS
//1.85.1 05.01.2020
//Value of “HardwareVersion” was changed to NCS318/568
//1.85 14.06.2019
//indication is working inside interrupt (only for Arduino Mega), driver v1.3 is required
//Added: support programmable leds ws2812b
//Some performance optimizations
//1.84 08.04.2018
//LEDs functions moved to external file
//LEDs freezing while music (or sound) played.
//SPI Setup moved driver’s file
//1.83 02.08.2018 (Driver v 1.1 is required)
//Fixed: Temp. reading speed fixed
//Fixed: Dots mixed up (driver was updated to v. 1.1)
//Fixed: RGB LEDs reading from EEPROM
//Fixed: Check for entering data from GPS in range
//1.82 18.07.2018 Dual Date Format
//1.81 18.02.2018 Temp. sensor present analyze
//1.80 06.08.2017
//Added: Date and Time GPS synchronization
//1.70 30.07.2017
//Added IR remote control support (Sony RM-X151) (“MODE”, “UP”, “DOWN”)
//1.60 24_07_2017
//Added: Temperature reading mode in menu and slot machine transaction
//1.0.31 27_04_2017
//Added: antipoisoning effect – slot machine
//1.021 31.01.2017
//Added: time synchronizing each 10 seconds
//Fixed: not correct time reading from RTC while start up
//1.02 17.10.2016
//Fixed: RGB color controls
//Update to Arduino IDE 1.6.12 (Time.h replaced to TimeLib.h)
//Added RGB LEDs lock(by UP and Down Buttons)
//Added Down and Up buttons pause and resume self testing
//25.09.2016 update to HW ver 1.1

//#define tubes8
#define tubes6
//#define tubes4

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <ClickButton.h>
#include <TimeLib.h>
#error The “Time (TimeLib)” library modified by GRA and AFCH must be used!

//// THIS IS NEW, related to TIMEZONE add-on:
#include <Timezone.h>//
//Central European Time (Frankfurt, Paris)
TimeChangeRule myDST = {“CEST”, Last, Sun, Mar, 26, 120}; //Central European Summer Time//Daylight time = UTC +2 hours
TimeChangeRule mySTD = {“CET “, Last, Sun, Oct, 3, 60}; //Central European Standard Time (Winter)//Daylight time = UTC +1 hour
Timezone myTZ(myDST, mySTD);
// US Eastern Time Zone (New York, Detroit)
//TimeChangeRule myDST = {“EDT”, Second, Sun, Mar, 2, -240}; //Daylight time = UTC – 4 hours
//TimeChangeRule mySTD = {“EST”, First, Sun, Nov, 2, -300}; //Daylight time = UTC – 4 hours
//Timezone myTZ(myDST, mySTD);
TimeChangeRule *tcr; //pointer to the time change rule, use to get the TZ abbrev
time_t utc;
//// end of this add-on for TIMEZONE

#include <Tone.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include “doIndication318_HW1.x.h”
#include <OneWire.h>
//IR remote control /////////// START /////////////////////////////
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)

#define GPS_SYNC_INTERVAL 1800000 // in milliseconds
//#define GPS_SYNC_INTERVAL 180000 //3 minutes
unsigned long Last_Time_GPS_Sync = 0;
//bool GPS_Sync_Flag = false;
//uint32_t GPS_Sync_Interval=120000; // 2 minutes
uint32_t GPS_Sync_Interval = 60000; // first try = 1 minute
uint32_t MillsNow=0;
#define TIME_TO_TRY 60000 //1 minute
bool AttMsgWasShowed=false;


byte GPS_position = 0;

byte GPS_hours;
byte GPS_minutes;
byte GPS_seconds;
byte GPS_day;
byte GPS_mounth;
int GPS_year;
bool GPS_Valid_Data = false;
unsigned long GPS_Data_Parsed_time;


#define PreZero(digit) ((abs(digit)<10)?”0″+String(abs(digit)):String(abs(digit)))
#include <IRremote.h>
int RECV_PIN = 4;
IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);
decode_results IRresults;
// buttons codes for remote controller Sony RM-X151
#define IR_BUTTON_UP_CODE 0x6621
#define IR_BUTTON_DOWN_CODE 0x2621
#define IR_BUTTON_MODE_CODE 0x7121

class IRButtonState

bool Flag = 0;
byte CNT_packets = 0;
unsigned long lastPacketTime = 0;
bool START_TIMER = false;
int _buttonCode;

public: IRButtonState::IRButtonState(int buttonCode)
_buttonCode = buttonCode;

public: int IRButtonState::checkButtonState(int receivedCode)
if (((millis() – lastPacketTime) > PAUSE_BETWEEN_PACKETS) && (START_TIMER == true))
START_TIMER = false;
if (CNT_packets >= 2) {
Flag = 0;
CNT_packets = 0;
START_TIMER = false;
return 1;
else {
Flag = 0;
CNT_packets = 0;
return 0;
if (receivedCode == _buttonCode) { Flag = 1;}
if (!(Flag == 1)) {return 0;}
if (!(receivedCode == 0xFFFFFFFF)) {return 0;}
lastPacketTime = millis();
Flag = 0;
CNT_packets = 0;
START_TIMER = false;
return -1;
else {return 0;}

IRButtonState IRModeButton(IR_BUTTON_MODE_CODE);
IRButtonState IRUpButton(IR_BUTTON_UP_CODE);
IRButtonState IRDownButton(IR_BUTTON_DOWN_CODE);

int ModeButtonState = 0;
int UpButtonState = 0;
int DownButtonState = 0;

//IR remote control /////////// START /////////////////////////////

/*#define GPS_BUFFER_LENGTH 83

byte GPS_position=0;

byte GPS_hours;
byte GPS_minutes;
byte GPS_seconds;
byte GPS_day;
byte GPS_mounth;
int GPS_year;
bool GPS_Valid_Data=false;
unsigned long GPS_Data_Parsed_time;

unsigned long GPS_Data_Parsed_time;

boolean UD, LD; // DOTS control;

byte data[12];
byte addr[8];
int celsius, fahrenheit;

#define RedLedPin 9 //MCU WDM output for red LEDs 9-g
#define GreenLedPin 6 //MCU WDM output for green LEDs 6-b
#define BlueLedPin 3 //MCU WDM output for blue LEDs 3-r
#define pinSet A0
#define pinUp A2
#define pinDown A1
//#define pinBuzzer 2
const byte pinBuzzer = 2; // pomenyal
#define pinUpperDots 12 //HIGH value light a dots
#define pinLowerDots 8 //HIGH value light a dots
#define pinTemp 7
bool RTC_present;
#define US_DateFormat 1
#define EU_DateFormat 0
//bool DateFormat=EU_DateFormat;

OneWire ds(pinTemp);
bool TempPresent = false;
#define CELSIUS 0
#define FAHRENHEIT 1

String stringToDisplay = “000000”; // Content of this string will be displayed on tubes (must be 6 chars length)
int menuPosition = 0;
// 0 – time
// 1 – date
// 2 – alarm
// 3 – 12/24 hours mode
// 4 – Temperature
// 5 – TimeZone* (Only for Ardiono Mega)

byte blinkMask = B00000000; //bit mask for blinkin digits (1 – blink, 0 – constant light)
int blankMask = B00000000; //bit mask for digits (1 – off, 0 – on)

byte dotPattern = B00000000; //bit mask for separeting dots (1 – on, 0 – off)
//B10000000 – upper dots
//B01000000 – lower dots

#define DS1307_ADDRESS 0x68
byte zero = 0x00; //workaround for issue #527
int RTC_hours, RTC_minutes, RTC_seconds, RTC_day, RTC_month, RTC_year, RTC_day_of_week;

#define TimeIndex 0
#define DateIndex 1
#define AlarmIndex 2
#define hModeIndex 3
#define TemperatureIndex 4
#define TimeZoneIndex 5
#define TimeHoursIndex 6
#define TimeMintuesIndex 7
#define TimeSecondsIndex 8
#define DateFormatIndex 9
#define DateDayIndex 10
#define DateMonthIndex 11
#define DateYearIndex 12
#define AlarmHourIndex 13
#define AlarmMinuteIndex 14
#define AlarmSecondIndex 15
#define Alarm01 16
#define hModeValueIndex 17
#define DegreesFormatIndex 18
#define HoursOffsetIndex 19

#define FirstParent TimeIndex
#define LastParent TimeZoneIndex
#define SettingsCount (HoursOffsetIndex+1)
#define NoParent 0
#define NoChild 0

// names: Time, Date, Alarm, 12/24, Temperature,TimeZone,hours, mintues, seconds, DateFormat, day, month, year, hour, minute, second alarm01 hour_format Deg.FormIndex HoursOffset
// 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
int parent[SettingsCount] = {NoParent, NoParent, NoParent, NoParent,NoParent,NoParent,1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6};
int firstChild[SettingsCount] = {6, 9, 13, 17, 18, 19, 0, 0, 0, NoChild, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
int lastChild[SettingsCount] = { 8, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 0, 0, 0, NoChild, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
int value[SettingsCount] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, EU_DateFormat, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 24, 0, 2};
int maxValue[SettingsCount] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 23, 59, 59, US_DateFormat, 31, 12, 99, 23, 59, 59, 1, 24, FAHRENHEIT, 14};
int minValue[SettingsCount] = { 0, 0, 0, 12, 0, 0, 00, 00, 00, EU_DateFormat, 1, 1, 00, 00, 00, 00, 0, 12, CELSIUS, -12};
int blinkPattern[SettingsCount] = {
B00000000, //0
B00000000, //1
B00000000, //2
B00000000, //3
B00000000, //4
B00000000, //5
B00000011, //6
B00001100, //7
B00110000, //8
B00111111, //9
B00000011, //10
B00001100, //11
B00110000, //12
B00000011, //13
B00001100, //14
B00110000, //15
B11000000, //16
B00001100, //17
B00111111, //18
B00000011, //19

bool editMode = false;

long downTime = 0;
long upTime = 0;
const long settingDelay = 150;
bool BlinkUp = false;
bool BlinkDown = false;
unsigned long enteringEditModeTime = 0;
bool RGBLedsOn = true;
#define RGBLEDsEEPROMAddress 0
#define HourFormatEEPROMAddress 1
#define AlarmTimeEEPROMAddress 2 //3,4,5
#define AlarmArmedEEPROMAddress 6
#define LEDsLockEEPROMAddress 7
#define LEDsRedValueEEPROMAddress 8
#define LEDsGreenValueEEPROMAddress 9
#define LEDsBlueValueEEPROMAddress 10
#define DegreesFormatEEPROMAddress 11
#define HoursOffsetEEPROMAddress 12
#define DateFormatEEPROMAddress 13

//buttons pins declarations
ClickButton setButton(pinSet, LOW, CLICKBTN_PULLUP);
ClickButton upButton(pinUp, LOW, CLICKBTN_PULLUP);
ClickButton downButton(pinDown, LOW, CLICKBTN_PULLUP);

Tone tone1;
#define isdigit(n) (n >= ‘0’ && n <= ‘9’)
//char *song = “MissionImp:d=16,o=6,b=95:32d,32d#,32d,32d#,32d,32d#,32d,32d#,32d,32d,32d#,32e,32f,32f#,32g,g,8p,g,8p,a#,p,c7,p,g,8p,g,8p,f,p,f#,p,g,8p,g,8p,a#,p,c7,p,g,8p,g,8p,f,p,f#,p,a#,g,2d,32p,a#,g,2c#,32p,a#,g,2c,a#5,8c,2p,32p,a#5,g5,2f#,32p,a#5,g5,2f,32p,a#5,g5,2e,d#,8d”;
char *song = “PinkPanther:d=4,o=5,b=160:8d#,8e,2p,8f#,8g,2p,8d#,8e,16p,8f#,8g,16p,8c6,8b,16p,8d#,8e,16p,8b,2a#,2p,16a,16g,16e,16d,2e”;
//char *song=”VanessaMae:d=4,o=6,b=70:32c7,32b,16c7,32g,32p,32g,32p,32d#,32p,32d#,32p,32c,32p,32c,32p,32c7,32b,16c7,32g#,32p,32g#,32p,32f,32p,16f,32c,32p,32c,32p,32c7,32b,16c7,32g,32p,32g,32p,32d#,32p,32d#,32p,32c,32p,32c,32p,32g,32f,32d#,32d,32c,32d,32d#,32c,32d#,32f,16g,8p,16d7,32c7,32d7,32a#,32d7,32a,32d7,32g,32d7,32d7,32p,32d7,32p,32d7,32p,16d7,32c7,32d7,32a#,32d7,32a,32d7,32g,32d7,32d7,32p,32d7,32p,32d7,32p,32g,32f,32d#,32d,32c,32d,32d#,32c,32d#,32f,16c”;
//char *song=”DasBoot:d=4,o=5,b=100:d#.4,8d4,8c4,8d4,8d#4,8g4,a#.4,8a4,8g4,8a4,8a#4,8d,2f.,p,f.4,8e4,8d4,8e4,8f4,8a4,c.,8b4,8a4,8b4,8c,8e,2g.,2p”;
//char *song=”Scatman:d=4,o=5,b=200:8b,16b,32p,8b,16b,32p,8b,2d6,16p,16c#.6,16p.,8d6,16p,16c#6,8b,16p,8f#,2p.,16c#6,8p,16d.6,16p.,16c#6,16b,8p,8f#,2p,32p,2d6,16p,16c#6,8p,16d.6,16p.,16c#6,16a.,16p.,8e,2p.,16c#6,8p,16d.6,16p.,16c#6,16b,8p,8b,16b,32p,8b,16b,32p,8b,2d6,16p,16c#.6,16p.,8d6,16p,16c#6,8b,16p,8f#,2p.,16c#6,8p,16d.6,16p.,16c#6,16b,8p,8f#,2p,32p,2d6,16p,16c#6,8p,16d.6,16p.,16c#6,16a.,16p.,8e,2p.,16c#6,8p,16d.6,16p.,16c#6,16a,8p,8e,2p,32p,16f#.6,16p.,16b.,16p.”;
//char *song=”Popcorn:d=4,o=5,b=160:8c6,8a#,8c6,8g,8d#,8g,c,8c6,8a#,8c6,8g,8d#,8g,c,8c6,8d6,8d#6,16c6,8d#6,16c6,8d#6,8d6,16a#,8d6,16a#,8d6,8c6,8a#,8g,8a#,c6″;
//char *song=”WeWishYou:d=4,o=5,b=200:d,g,8g,8a,8g,8f#,e,e,e,a,8a,8b,8a,8g,f#,d,d,b,8b,8c6,8b,8a,g,e,d,e,a,f#,2g,d,g,8g,8a,8g,8f#,e,e,e,a,8a,8b,8a,8g,f#,d,d,b,8b,8c6,8b,8a,g,e,d,e,a,f#,1g,d,g,g,g,2f#,f#,g,f#,e,2d,a,b,8a,8a,8g,8g,d6,d,d,e,a,f#,2g”;
char *p;

int notes[] = { 0,

int fireforks[] = {0, 0, 1, //1
-1, 0, 0, //2
0, 1, 0, //3
0, 0, -1, //4
1, 0, 0, //5
0, -1, 0
}; //array with RGB rules (0 – do nothing, -1 – decrese, +1 – increse

void setRTCDateTime(byte h, byte m, byte s, byte d, byte mon, byte y, byte w = 1);

int functionDownButton = 0;
int functionUpButton = 0;
bool LEDsLock = false;

//antipoisoning transaction
bool modeChangedByUser = false;
bool transactionInProgress = false; //antipoisoning transaction
#define timeModePeriod 60000
#define dateModePeriod 5000
long modesChangePeriod = timeModePeriod;
//end of antipoisoning transaction

bool GPS_sync_flag=false;

extern const int LEDsDelay;

Init Programm
void setup()

#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)
digitalWrite(19, HIGH);



if ( != 12) value[hModeValueIndex] = 24; else value[hModeValueIndex] = 12;
if ( != 0) RGBLedsOn = true; else RGBLedsOn = false;
if ( == 255) value[AlarmHourIndex] = 0; else value[AlarmHourIndex] =;
if ( + 1) == 255) value[AlarmMinuteIndex] = 0; else value[AlarmMinuteIndex] = + 1);
if ( + 2) == 255) value[AlarmSecondIndex] = 0; else value[AlarmSecondIndex] = + 2);
if ( == 255) value[Alarm01] = 0; else value[Alarm01] =;
if ( == 255) LEDsLock = false; else LEDsLock =;
if ( == 255) value[DegreesFormatIndex] = CELSIUS; else value[DegreesFormatIndex] =;
if ( == 255) value[HoursOffsetIndex] = value[HoursOffsetIndex]; else value[HoursOffsetIndex] = + minValue[HoursOffsetIndex];

//// needed to set this HoursOffsetIndex variable to 0 since we will use the timezone lib (local timezone and summer/winter time add-ons by
value[HoursOffsetIndex] = 0;
EEPROM.write(HoursOffsetEEPROMAddress, 0);

if ( == 255) value[DateFormatIndex] = value[DateFormatIndex]; else value[DateFormatIndex] =;

//Serial.print(F(“led lock=”));

pinMode(RedLedPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(GreenLedPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(BlueLedPin, OUTPUT);

song = parseSong(song);

pinMode(LEpin, OUTPUT);

// SPI setup
//buttons pins inits
pinMode(pinSet, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(pinUp, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(pinDown, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(pinBuzzer, OUTPUT);

//buttons objects inits
setButton.debounceTime = 20; // Debounce timer in ms
setButton.multiclickTime = 30; // Time limit for multi clicks
setButton.longClickTime = 2000; // time until “held-down clicks” register

upButton.debounceTime = 20; // Debounce timer in ms
upButton.multiclickTime = 30; // Time limit for multi clicks
upButton.longClickTime = 2000; // time until “held-down clicks” register

downButton.debounceTime = 20; // Debounce timer in ms
downButton.multiclickTime = 30; // Time limit for multi clicks
downButton.longClickTime = 2000; // time until “held-down clicks” register

#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)
if (LEDsLock == 1)
byte prevSeconds = RTC_seconds;
unsigned long RTC_ReadingStartTime = millis();
RTC_present = true;
while (prevSeconds == RTC_seconds)
if ((millis() – RTC_ReadingStartTime) > 3000)
#ifdef DEBUG
Serial.println(F(“Warning! RTC DON’T RESPOND!”));
RTC_present = false;
setTime(RTC_hours, RTC_minutes, RTC_seconds, RTC_day, RTC_month, RTC_year);

#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)
irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver

//// add-ons for TIMEZONE
time_t utc = now();
time_t local = myTZ.toLocal(utc, &tcr);
printDateTime(utc, “UTC”);
printDateTime(local, tcr -> abbrev);
delay(1000);//was 10000
//// end of add-ons for TIMEZONE


int rotator = 0; //index in array with RGB “rules” (increse by one on each 255 cycles)
int cycle = 0; //cycles counter
int RedLight = 255;
int GreenLight = 0;
int BlueLight = 0;
unsigned long prevTime = 0; // time of lase tube was lit
unsigned long prevTime4FireWorks = 0; //time of last RGB changed
//int minuteL=0; //младшая цифра минут

MAIN Programm
void loop() {

if (((millis() % 10000) == 0) && (RTC_present)) //synchronize with RTC every 10 seconds

setTime(RTC_hours, RTC_minutes, RTC_seconds, RTC_day, RTC_month, RTC_year);
// 4 lines of time zone & winter/summer time additions by 2023 0404
time_t utc = now();
time_t local = myTZ.toLocal(utc, &tcr);
setTime(myTZ.toLocal(utc, &tcr));
EEPROM.write(DateFormatEEPROMAddress, value[myTZ.toLocal(utc, &tcr)]);


#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)

if ((MillsNow – Last_Time_GPS_Sync) > GPS_Sync_Interval)
//GPS_Sync_Interval = GPS_SYNC_INTERVAL; // <—-!
//GPS_Sync_Flag = 0;
if (AttMsgWasShowed==false)
Serial.println(F(“Attempt to sync with GPS.”));
if ((MillsNow – Last_Time_GPS_Sync) > GPS_Sync_Interval + TIME_TO_TRY)
Last_Time_GPS_Sync=MillsNow; //if it is not possible to synchronize within the allotted time TIME_TO_TRY, then we postpone attempts to the next time interval.
//GPS_Sync_Flag = 1;
//GPS_Sync_Interval = GPS_SYNC_INTERVAL;
Serial.println(F(“All attempts were unsuccessful.”));

IRresults.value = 0;
if (irrecv.decode(&IRresults)) {
Serial.println(IRresults.value, HEX);
irrecv.resume(); // Receive the next value

ModeButtonState = IRModeButton.checkButtonState(IRresults.value);
if (ModeButtonState == 1) Serial.println(F(“Mode short”));
if (ModeButtonState == -1) Serial.println(F(“Mode long….”));

UpButtonState = IRUpButton.checkButtonState(IRresults.value);
if (UpButtonState == 1) Serial.println(F(“Up short”));
if (UpButtonState == -1) Serial.println(F(“Up long….”));

DownButtonState = IRDownButton.checkButtonState(IRresults.value);
if (DownButtonState == 1) Serial.println(F(“Down short”));
if (DownButtonState == -1) Serial.println(F(“Down long….”));


p = playmusic(p);

if ((millis() – prevTime4FireWorks) > LEDsDelay)
rotateFireWorks(); //change color (by 1 step)
prevTime4FireWorks = millis();

if ((menuPosition == TimeIndex) || (modeChangedByUser == false) ) modesChanger();
#if defined (__AVR_ATmega328P__)

if (editMode == false)
blinkMask = B00000000;

} else if ((millis() – enteringEditModeTime) > 60000)
editMode = false;
menuPosition = firstChild[menuPosition];
blinkMask = blinkPattern[menuPosition];
if ((setButton.clicks > 0) || (ModeButtonState == 1)) //short click
modeChangedByUser = true;
p = 0; //shut off music ))), 100);
enteringEditModeTime = millis();
/*if (value[DateFormatIndex] == US_DateFormat)
//if (menuPosition == )
} else */
menuPosition = menuPosition + 1;
#if defined (__AVR_ATmega328P__)
if (menuPosition == TimeZoneIndex) menuPosition++;// skip TimeZone for Arduino Uno
if (menuPosition == LastParent + 1) menuPosition = TimeIndex;

blinkMask = blinkPattern[menuPosition];
if ((parent[menuPosition – 1] != 0) and (lastChild[parent[menuPosition – 1] – 1] == (menuPosition – 1))) //exit from edit mode
if ((parent[menuPosition – 1] – 1 == 1) && (!isValidDate()))
menuPosition = DateDayIndex;
editMode = false;
menuPosition = parent[menuPosition – 1] – 1;
if (menuPosition == TimeIndex) setTime(value[TimeHoursIndex], value[TimeMintuesIndex], value[TimeSecondsIndex], day(), month(), year());
if (menuPosition == DateIndex)
#ifdef DEBUG
setTime(hour(), minute(), second(), value[DateDayIndex], value[DateMonthIndex], 2000 + value[DateYearIndex]);
EEPROM.write(DateFormatEEPROMAddress, value[DateFormatIndex]);
if (menuPosition == AlarmIndex) {
EEPROM.write(AlarmTimeEEPROMAddress, value[AlarmHourIndex]);
EEPROM.write(AlarmTimeEEPROMAddress + 1, value[AlarmMinuteIndex]);
EEPROM.write(AlarmTimeEEPROMAddress + 2, value[AlarmSecondIndex]);
EEPROM.write(AlarmArmedEEPROMAddress, value[Alarm01]);
if (menuPosition == hModeIndex) EEPROM.write(HourFormatEEPROMAddress, value[hModeValueIndex]);
if (menuPosition == TemperatureIndex)
EEPROM.write(DegreesFormatEEPROMAddress, value[DegreesFormatIndex]);
if (menuPosition == TimeZoneIndex) EEPROM.write(HoursOffsetEEPROMAddress, value[HoursOffsetIndex] – minValue[HoursOffsetIndex]);
//if (menuPosition == hModeIndex) EEPROM.write(HourFormatEEPROMAddress, value[hModeValueIndex]);
setRTCDateTime(hour(), minute(), second(), day(), month(), year() % 1000, 1);
} //end exit from edit mode
/*Serial.print(“menu pos=”);
if ((menuPosition != HoursOffsetIndex) &&
(menuPosition != DateFormatIndex) &&
(menuPosition != DateDayIndex)) value[menuPosition] = extractDigits(blinkMask);
if ((setButton.clicks < 0) || (ModeButtonState == -1)) //long click
{, 100);
if (!editMode)
enteringEditModeTime = millis();
if (menuPosition == TimeIndex) stringToDisplay = PreZero(hour()) + PreZero(minute()) + PreZero(second()); //temporary enabled 24 hour format while settings
if (menuPosition == DateIndex)
// Serial.println(“DateEdit”);
value[DateDayIndex] = day();
value[DateMonthIndex] = month();
value[DateYearIndex] = year() % 1000;
if (value[DateFormatIndex] == EU_DateFormat) stringToDisplay=PreZero(value[DateDayIndex])+PreZero(value[DateMonthIndex])+PreZero(value[DateYearIndex]);
else stringToDisplay=PreZero(value[DateMonthIndex])+PreZero(value[DateDayIndex])+PreZero(value[DateYearIndex]);
// Serial.println(stringToDisplay);
menuPosition = firstChild[menuPosition];
if (menuPosition == AlarmHourIndex) {
value[Alarm01] = 1; /*digitalWrite(pinUpperDots, HIGH);*/dotPattern = B10000000;
editMode = !editMode;
blinkMask = blinkPattern[menuPosition];
if ((menuPosition != DegreesFormatIndex) &&
(menuPosition != HoursOffsetIndex) &&
(menuPosition != DateFormatIndex))
value[menuPosition] = extractDigits(blinkMask);
Serial.println(value[menuPosition]); */

if (upButton.clicks != 0) functionUpButton = upButton.clicks;

if ((upButton.clicks > 0) || (UpButtonState == 1))
modeChangedByUser = true;
p = 0; //shut off music ))), 100);
if (!editMode)
LEDsLock = false;
EEPROM.write(LEDsLockEEPROMAddress, 0);

if (functionUpButton == -1 && upButton.depressed == true)
BlinkUp = false;
if (editMode == true)
if ( (millis() – upTime) > settingDelay)
upTime = millis();// + settingDelay;
} else BlinkUp = true;

if (downButton.clicks != 0) functionDownButton = downButton.clicks;

if ((downButton.clicks > 0) || (DownButtonState == 1))
modeChangedByUser = true;
p = 0; //shut off music ))), 100);
if (!editMode)
LEDsLock = true;
EEPROM.write(LEDsLockEEPROMAddress, 1);
EEPROM.write(LEDsRedValueEEPROMAddress, RedLight);
EEPROM.write(LEDsGreenValueEEPROMAddress, GreenLight);
EEPROM.write(LEDsBlueValueEEPROMAddress, BlueLight);
/*Serial.println(F(“Store to EEPROM:”));

if (functionDownButton == -1 && downButton.depressed == true)
BlinkDown = false;
if (editMode == true)
if ( (millis() – downTime) > settingDelay)
downTime = millis();// + settingDelay;
} else BlinkDown = true;

if (!editMode)
if ((upButton.clicks < 0) || (UpButtonState == -1))
{, 100);
RGBLedsOn = true;
EEPROM.write(RGBLEDsEEPROMAddress, 1);
#ifdef DEBUG
if ((downButton.clicks < 0) || (DownButtonState == -1))
{, 100);
RGBLedsOn = false;
EEPROM.write(RGBLEDsEEPROMAddress, 0);
#ifdef DEBUG

static bool updateDateTime = false;
float curTemp=0;
switch (menuPosition)
case TimeIndex: //time mode
if (!transactionInProgress) stringToDisplay = updateDisplayString();
blankMask = B00000000;
case DateIndex: //date mode
if (!transactionInProgress) stringToDisplay = updateDateString();
dotPattern = B01000000; //turn on lower dots
blankMask = B00000000;
case AlarmIndex: //alarm mode
//unsigned long execTime;
stringToDisplay = PreZero(value[AlarmHourIndex]) + PreZero(value[AlarmMinuteIndex]) + PreZero(value[AlarmSecondIndex]);
blankMask = B00000000;
if (value[Alarm01] == 1) dotPattern = B10000000; //turn on upper dots
dotPattern = B00000000; //turn off upper dots
case hModeIndex: //12/24 hours mode
stringToDisplay = “00” + String(value[hModeValueIndex]) + “00”;
blankMask = B00110011;
dotPattern = B00000000; //turn off all dots
case TemperatureIndex: //missed break
case DegreesFormatIndex:

if (!transactionInProgress)
stringToDisplay = updateTemperatureString(curTemp);
if (value[DegreesFormatIndex] == CELSIUS)
blankMask = B00110001;
dotPattern = B01000000;
blankMask = B00100011;
dotPattern = B00000000;

if (curTemp < 0) dotPattern |= B10000000;
else dotPattern &= B01111111;
case TimeZoneIndex:
case HoursOffsetIndex:
stringToDisplay = String(PreZero(value[HoursOffsetIndex])) + “0000”;
blankMask = B00001111;
if (value[HoursOffsetIndex]>=0) dotPattern = B00000000; //turn off all dots
else dotPattern = B10000000; //turn on upper dots
case DateFormatIndex:
if (value[DateFormatIndex] == EU_DateFormat)
case DateDayIndex:
case DateMonthIndex:
case DateYearIndex:
if (value[DateFormatIndex] == EU_DateFormat) stringToDisplay=PreZero(value[DateDayIndex])+PreZero(value[DateMonthIndex])+PreZero(value[DateYearIndex]);
else stringToDisplay=PreZero(value[DateMonthIndex])+PreZero(value[DateDayIndex])+PreZero(value[DateYearIndex]);
// IRresults.value=0;
#if defined (__AVR_ATmega328P__)
String PreZero(int digit)
if (digit < 10) return String(“0”) + String(digit);
//if (digit < 10) return “0” + String(digit);
else return String(digit);

String updateDisplayString()
static int prevS=-1;

if (second()!=prevS)
return getTimeNow();
} else return stringToDisplay;

String getTimeNow()
if (value[hModeValueIndex] == 24) return PreZero(hour()) + PreZero(minute()) + PreZero(second());
else return PreZero(hourFormat12()) + PreZero(minute()) + PreZero(second());
//// add-on void for TIMEZONE ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// format and print a time_t value, with a time zone appended.
void printDateTime(time_t t, const char *tz)
char buf[32];
char m[4]; // temporary storage for month string (DateStrings.cpp uses shared buffer)
strcpy(m, monthShortStr(month(t)));
sprintf(buf, “%.2d:%.2d:%.2d %s %.2d %s %d %s”,
hour(t), minute(t), second(t), dayShortStr(weekday(t)), day(t), m, year(t), tz);
/////// 2023-04-04 The Netherlands, Amsterdam. Please share and re-use! ////////
void doTest()
Serial.print(F(“Firmware version: “));
for (byte k = 0; k < strlen_P(HardwareVersion); k++) {
Serial.print((char)pgm_read_byte_near(HardwareVersion + k));
#ifdef DEBUG
Serial.println(F(“Start Test”));

//p=0; //need to be deleted

#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)
if (Serial1.available() > 20) Serial.println(F(“GPS detected”));
else Serial.println(F(“GPS NOT detected!”));

#ifdef tubes8
String testStringArray[11]={“00000000″,”11111111″,”22222222″,”33333333″,”44444444″,”55555555″,”66666666″,”77777777″,”88888888″,”99999999″,””};
#ifdef tubes6
String testStringArray[11]={“000000″,”111111″,”222222″,”333333″,”444444″,”555555″,”666666″,”777777″,”888888″,”999999″,””};

int dlay=500;
bool test=1;
byte strIndex=-1;
unsigned long startOfTest=millis()+1000; //disable delaying in first iteration
bool digitsLock=false;
while (test)
if (digitalRead(pinDown)==0) digitsLock=true;
if (digitalRead(pinUp)==0) digitsLock=false;

if ((millis()-startOfTest)>dlay)
if (!digitsLock) strIndex=strIndex+1;
if (strIndex==10) dlay=2000;
if (strIndex>10) { test=false; strIndex=10;}

#ifdef DEBUG
#if defined (__AVR_ATmega328P__)

if ( !
#ifdef DEBUG
Serial.println(F(“Temp. sensor not found.”));
} else TempPresent=true;


#ifdef DEBUG
Serial.println(F(“Stop Test”));
// while(1);

void doDotBlink()
if (second()%2 == 0) dotPattern = B11000000;
else dotPattern = B00000000;

void setRTCDateTime(byte h, byte m, byte s, byte d, byte mon, byte y, byte w)
Wire.write(zero); //stop Oscillator


Wire.write(zero); //start



byte decToBcd(byte val) {
// Convert normal decimal numbers to binary coded decimal
return ( (val / 10 * 16) + (val % 10) );

byte bcdToDec(byte val) {
// Convert binary coded decimal to normal decimal numbers
return ( (val / 16 * 10) + (val % 16) );

void getRTCTime()

Wire.requestFrom(DS1307_ADDRESS, 7);

RTC_seconds = bcdToDec(;
RTC_minutes = bcdToDec(;
RTC_hours = bcdToDec( & 0b111111); //24 hour time
RTC_day_of_week = bcdToDec(; //0-6 -> sunday – Saturday
RTC_day = bcdToDec(;
RTC_month = bcdToDec(;
RTC_year = bcdToDec(;

int extractDigits(byte b)
String tmp = “1”;

if (b == B00000011)
tmp = stringToDisplay.substring(0, 2);
if (b == B00001100)
tmp = stringToDisplay.substring(2, 4);
if (b == B00110000)
tmp = stringToDisplay.substring(4);
return tmp.toInt();

void injectDigits(byte b, int value)
if (b == B00000011) stringToDisplay = PreZero(value) + stringToDisplay.substring(2);
if (b == B00001100) stringToDisplay = stringToDisplay.substring(0, 2) + PreZero(value) + stringToDisplay.substring(4);
if (b == B00110000) stringToDisplay = stringToDisplay.substring(0, 4) + PreZero(value);

bool isValidDate()
int days[12] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
if (value[DateYearIndex] % 4 == 0) days[1] = 29;
if (value[DateDayIndex] > days[value[DateMonthIndex] – 1]) return false;
else return true;


byte default_dur = 4;
byte default_oct = 6;
int bpm = 63;
int num;
long wholenote;
long duration;
byte note;
byte scale;
char* parseSong(char *p)
// Absolutely no error checking in here
// format: d=N,o=N,b=NNN:
// find the start (skip name, etc)

while (*p != ‘:’) p++; // ignore name
p++; // skip ‘:’

// get default duration
if (*p == ‘d’)
p++; p++; // skip “d=”
num = 0;
while (isdigit(*p))
num = (num * 10) + (*p++ – ‘0’);
if (num > 0) default_dur = num;
p++; // skip comma

// get default octave
if (*p == ‘o’)
p++; p++; // skip “o=”
num = *p++ – ‘0’;
if (num >= 3 && num <= 7) default_oct = num;
p++; // skip comma

// get BPM
if (*p == ‘b’)
p++; p++; // skip “b=”
num = 0;
while (isdigit(*p))
num = (num * 10) + (*p++ – ‘0’);
bpm = num;
p++; // skip colon

// BPM usually expresses the number of quarter notes per minute
wholenote = (60 * 1000L / bpm) * 4; // this is the time for whole note (in milliseconds)
return p;

// now begin note loop
static unsigned long lastTimeNotePlaying = 0;
char* playmusic(char *p)
if (*p == 0)
return p;
if (millis() – lastTimeNotePlaying > duration)
lastTimeNotePlaying = millis();
else return p;
// first, get note duration, if available
num = 0;
while (isdigit(*p))
num = (num * 10) + (*p++ – ‘0’);

if (num) duration = wholenote / num;
else duration = wholenote / default_dur; // we will need to check if we are a dotted note after

// now get the note
note = 0;

switch (*p)
case ‘c’:
note = 1;
case ‘d’:
note = 3;
case ‘e’:
note = 5;
case ‘f’:
note = 6;
case ‘g’:
note = 8;
case ‘a’:
note = 10;
case ‘b’:
note = 12;
case ‘p’:
note = 0;

// now, get optional ‘#’ sharp
if (*p == ‘#’)

// now, get optional ‘.’ dotted note
if (*p == ‘.’)
duration += duration / 2;

// now, get scale
if (isdigit(*p))
scale = *p – ‘0’;
scale = default_oct;


if (*p == ‘,’)
p++; // skip comma for next note (or we may be at the end)

// now play the note

if (note)
{[(scale – 4) * 12 + note], duration);
if (millis() – lastTimeNotePlaying > duration)
lastTimeNotePlaying = millis();
else return p;
return p;
#ifdef DEBUG
Serial.println(F(“Incorrect Song Format!”));
return 0; //error

void incrementValue()
enteringEditModeTime = millis();
if (editMode == true)
if (menuPosition != hModeValueIndex) // 12/24 hour mode menu position
value[menuPosition] = value[menuPosition] + 1; else value[menuPosition] = value[menuPosition] + 12;
if (value[menuPosition] > maxValue[menuPosition]) value[menuPosition] = minValue[menuPosition];
if (menuPosition == Alarm01)
if (value[menuPosition] == 1) /*digitalWrite(pinUpperDots, HIGH);*/dotPattern = B10000000; //turn on upper dots
/*else digitalWrite(pinUpperDots, LOW); */ dotPattern = B00000000; //turn off all dots
if (menuPosition!=DateFormatIndex) injectDigits(blinkMask, value[menuPosition]);

void dicrementValue()
enteringEditModeTime = millis();
if (editMode == true)
if (menuPosition != hModeValueIndex) value[menuPosition] = value[menuPosition] – 1; else value[menuPosition] = value[menuPosition] – 12;
if (value[menuPosition] < minValue[menuPosition]) value[menuPosition] = maxValue[menuPosition];
if (menuPosition == Alarm01)
if (value[menuPosition] == 1) /*digitalWrite(pinUpperDots, HIGH);*/ dotPattern = B10000000; //turn on upper dots
else /*digitalWrite(pinUpperDots, LOW);*/ dotPattern = B00000000; //turn off all dots
if (menuPosition!=DateFormatIndex) injectDigits(blinkMask, value[menuPosition]);

bool Alarm1SecondBlock = false;
unsigned long lastTimeAlarmTriggired = 0;
void checkAlarmTime()
if (value[Alarm01] == 0) return;
if ((Alarm1SecondBlock == true) && ((millis() – lastTimeAlarmTriggired) > 1000)) Alarm1SecondBlock = false;
if (Alarm1SecondBlock == true) return;
if ((hour() == value[AlarmHourIndex]) && (minute() == value[AlarmMinuteIndex]) && (second() == value[AlarmSecondIndex]))
lastTimeAlarmTriggired = millis();
Alarm1SecondBlock = true;
#ifdef DEBUG
Serial.println(F(“Wake up, Neo!”));
p = song;

void modesChanger()
if (editMode == true) return;
static unsigned long lastTimeModeChanged = millis();
static unsigned long lastTimeAntiPoisoningIterate = millis();
static int transnumber = 0;
if ((millis() – lastTimeModeChanged) > modesChangePeriod)
lastTimeModeChanged = millis();
if (transnumber == 0) {
menuPosition = DateIndex;
modesChangePeriod = dateModePeriod;
if (transnumber == 1) {
menuPosition = TemperatureIndex;
modesChangePeriod = dateModePeriod;
if (!TempPresent) transnumber = 2;
if (transnumber == 2) {
menuPosition = TimeIndex;
modesChangePeriod = timeModePeriod;
if (transnumber > 2) transnumber = 0;

if (modeChangedByUser == true)
menuPosition = TimeIndex;
modeChangedByUser = false;
if ((millis() – lastTimeModeChanged) < 2000)
if ((millis() – lastTimeAntiPoisoningIterate) > 100)
lastTimeAntiPoisoningIterate = millis();
if (TempPresent)
if (menuPosition == TimeIndex) stringToDisplay = antiPoisoning2(updateTemperatureString(getTemperature(value[DegreesFormatIndex])), getTimeNow());
if (menuPosition == DateIndex) stringToDisplay = antiPoisoning2(getTimeNow(), PreZero(day()) + PreZero(month()) + PreZero(year() % 1000) );
if (menuPosition == TemperatureIndex) stringToDisplay = antiPoisoning2(PreZero(day()) + PreZero(month()) + PreZero(year() % 1000), updateTemperatureString(getTemperature(value[DegreesFormatIndex])));
} else
if (menuPosition == TimeIndex) stringToDisplay = antiPoisoning2(PreZero(day()) + PreZero(month()) + PreZero(year() % 1000), getTimeNow());
if (menuPosition == DateIndex) stringToDisplay = antiPoisoning2(getTimeNow(), PreZero(day()) + PreZero(month()) + PreZero(year() % 1000) );
// Serial.println(“StrTDInToModeChng=”+stringToDisplay);
} else
transactionInProgress = false;

String antiPoisoning2(String fromStr, String toStr)
//static bool transactionInProgress=false;
//byte fromDigits[6];
static byte toDigits[6];
static byte currentDigits[6];
static byte iterationCounter = 0;
if (!transactionInProgress)
transactionInProgress = true;
blankMask = B00000000;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
currentDigits[i] = fromStr.substring(i, i + 1).toInt();
toDigits[i] = toStr.substring(i, i + 1).toInt();
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if (iterationCounter < 10) currentDigits[i]++;
else if (currentDigits[i] != toDigits[i]) currentDigits[i]++;
if (currentDigits[i] == 10) currentDigits[i] = 0;
if (iterationCounter == 20)
iterationCounter = 0;
transactionInProgress = false;
String tmpStr;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
tmpStr += currentDigits[i];
return tmpStr;

String updateDateString()
static unsigned long lastTimeDateUpdate = millis()+1001;
static String DateString = PreZero(day()) + PreZero(month()) + PreZero(year() % 1000);
static byte prevoiusDateFormatWas=value[DateFormatIndex];
if (((millis() – lastTimeDateUpdate) > 1000) || (prevoiusDateFormatWas != value[DateFormatIndex]))
lastTimeDateUpdate = millis();
if (value[DateFormatIndex]==EU_DateFormat) DateString = PreZero(day()) + PreZero(month()) + PreZero(year() % 1000);
else DateString = PreZero(month()) + PreZero(day()) + PreZero(year() % 1000);
return DateString;

#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)

void SyncWithGPS()
if ((millis() – GPS_Date_Time.GPS_Data_Parsed_time) > 3000) {
Serial.println(F(“Parsed data to old”));
Serial.println(F(“Updating time from GPS…”));

setTime(GPS_Date_Time.GPS_hours, GPS_Date_Time.GPS_minutes, GPS_Date_Time.GPS_seconds, GPS_Date_Time.GPS_day, GPS_Date_Time.GPS_mounth, GPS_Date_Time.GPS_year % 1000);
adjustTime((long)value[HoursOffsetIndex] * 3600);
setRTCDateTime(hour(), minute(), second(), day(), month(), year() % 1000, 1);
Last_Time_GPS_Sync = MillsNow;

//// TIMEZONE add-ons
while (!Serial) ; // wait until Arduino Serial Monitor opens
//setSyncProvider(RTC.get); // the function to get the time from the RTC
//if(timeStatus()!= timeSet)
// Serial.println(“Unable to sync with the RTC”);
// Serial.println(“RTC has set the system time”);

time_t utc = now();
time_t local = myTZ.toLocal(utc, &tcr);
printDateTime(utc, “UTC”);
printDateTime(local, tcr -> abbrev);

setTime(myTZ.toLocal(utc, &tcr));
EEPROM.write(DateFormatEEPROMAddress, value[myTZ.toLocal(utc, &tcr)]);
//Serial.println(;// check whether the new timezon’s winter /summer time is put in memory
//setTime(hour(), minute(), second(), value[DateDayIndex], value[DateMonthIndex], 2000 + value[DateYearIndex]);
//EEPROM.write(DateFormatEEPROMAddress, value[DateFormatIndex]);

//// End of TIMEZONE add-ons



void GetDataFromSerial1()
if (Serial1.available()) { // If anything comes in Serial1 (pin 19)
byte GPS_incoming_byte;
GPS_incoming_byte =;
GPS_Package[GPS_position] = GPS_incoming_byte;
if (GPS_position == GPS_BUFFER_LENGTH – 1)
GPS_position = 0;
// Serial.println(“more then BUFFER_LENGTH!!!!”);
if (GPS_incoming_byte == 0x0A)
GPS_Package[GPS_position] = 0;
GPS_position = 0;
if (ControlCheckSum()) {
if (GPS_Parse_DateTime()) SyncWithGPS();


bool GPS_Parse_DateTime()
bool GPSsignal = false;
if (!((GPS_Package[0] == ‘$’)
&& (GPS_Package[3] == ‘R’)
&& (GPS_Package[4] == ‘M’)
&& (GPS_Package[5] == ‘C’))) {
return false;
// Serial.println(“RMC!!!”);
//Serial.print(“hh: “);
int hh = (GPS_Package[7] – 48) * 10 + GPS_Package[8] – 48;
int mm = (GPS_Package[9] – 48) * 10 + GPS_Package[10] – 48;
//Serial.print(“mm: “);
int ss = (GPS_Package[11] – 48) * 10 + GPS_Package[12] – 48;
//Serial.print(“ss: “);

byte GPSDatePos = 0;
int CommasCounter = 0;
for (int i = 12; i < GPS_BUFFER_LENGTH ; i++)
if (GPS_Package[i] == ‘,’)
if (CommasCounter == 8)
GPSDatePos = i + 1;
//Serial.print(“dd: “);
int dd = (GPS_Package[GPSDatePos] – 48) * 10 + GPS_Package[GPSDatePos + 1] – 48;
int MM = (GPS_Package[GPSDatePos + 2] – 48) * 10 + GPS_Package[GPSDatePos + 3] – 48;
//Serial.print(“MM: “);
int yyyy = 2000 + (GPS_Package[GPSDatePos + 4] – 48) * 10 + GPS_Package[GPSDatePos + 5] – 48;
//Serial.print(“yyyy: “);
//if ((hh<0) || (mm<0) || (ss<0) || (dd<0) || (MM<0) || (yyyy<0)) return false;
if ( !inRange( yyyy, 2018, 2038 ) ||
!inRange( MM, 1, 12 ) ||
!inRange( dd, 1, 31 ) ||
!inRange( hh, 0, 23 ) ||
!inRange( mm, 0, 59 ) ||
!inRange( ss, 0, 59 ) ) return false;
GPS_Date_Time.GPS_hours = hh;
GPS_Date_Time.GPS_minutes = mm;
GPS_Date_Time.GPS_seconds = ss;
GPS_Date_Time.GPS_day = dd;
GPS_Date_Time.GPS_mounth = MM;
GPS_Date_Time.GPS_year = yyyy;
GPS_Date_Time.GPS_Data_Parsed_time = millis();
//Serial.println(“Precision TIME HAS BEEN ACCURED!!!!!!!!!”);
return 1;

uint8_t ControlCheckSum()
uint8_t CheckSum = 0, MessageCheckSum = 0; // check sum
uint16_t i = 1; // 1 sybol left from ‘$’

while (GPS_Package[i] != ‘*’)
CheckSum ^= GPS_Package[i];
if (++i == GPS_BUFFER_LENGTH) {
//Serial.println(F(“End of the line not found”)); // end of line not found
return 0;

if (GPS_Package[++i] > 0x40) MessageCheckSum = (GPS_Package[i] – 0x37) << 4; // ASCII codes to DEC convertation
else MessageCheckSum = (GPS_Package[i] – 0x30) << 4;
if (GPS_Package[++i] > 0x40) MessageCheckSum += (GPS_Package[i] – 0x37);
else MessageCheckSum += (GPS_Package[i] – 0x30);

if (MessageCheckSum != CheckSum) {
//Serial.println(F(“wrong checksum”)); // wrong checksum
return 0;
//Serial.println(“Checksum is ok”);
return 1; // all ok!

boolean inRange( int no, int low, int high )
if ( no < low || no > high )
Serial.println(F(“Date or Time not in range”));
//Serial.println(String(no) + “:” + String (low) + “-” + String(high));
return false;
return true;


String updateTemperatureString(float fDegrees)
static unsigned long lastTimeTemperatureString=millis()+1100;
static String strTemp =”000000″;
if ((millis() – lastTimeTemperatureString) > 1000)
//Serial.println(F(“Updating temp. str.”));
lastTimeTemperatureString = millis();
int iDegrees = round(fDegrees);
if (value[DegreesFormatIndex] == CELSIUS)
strTemp = “0” + String(abs(iDegrees)) + “0”;
if (abs(iDegrees) < 1000) strTemp = “00” + String(abs(iDegrees)) + “0”;
if (abs(iDegrees) < 100) strTemp = “000” + String(abs(iDegrees)) + “0”;
if (abs(iDegrees) < 10) strTemp = “0000” + String(abs(iDegrees)) + “0”;
strTemp = “0” + String(abs(iDegrees)) + “0”;
if (abs(iDegrees) < 1000) strTemp = “00” + String(abs(iDegrees)/10) + “00”;
if (abs(iDegrees) < 100) strTemp = “000” + String(abs(iDegrees)/10) + “00”;
if (abs(iDegrees) < 10) strTemp = “0000” + String(abs(iDegrees)/10) + “00”;

#ifdef tubes8
strTemp= “”+strTemp+”00”;
return strTemp;
return strTemp;

float getTemperature (boolean bTempFormat)
static float fDegrees;
static int iterator=0;
static byte TempRawData[2];
/*unsigned long execTime=0;
switch (iterator)
case 0: ds.reset(); break;
case 1: ds.write(0xCC, 0); break; //skip ROM command
case 2: ds.write(0x44, 0); break; //send make convert to all devices
case 3: ds.reset(); break;
case 4: ds.write(0xCC, 0); break; //skip ROM command
case 5: ds.write(0xBE, 0); break; //send request to all devices
case 6: TempRawData[0] =; break;
case 7: TempRawData[1] =; break;
default: break;

if (iterator == 7)
int16_t raw = (TempRawData[1] << 8) | TempRawData[0];
if (raw == -1) raw = 0;
float celsius = (float)raw / 16.0;
//celsius = celsius + (float)value[TempAdjustIndex]/10;//users adjustment

if (!bTempFormat) fDegrees = celsius * 10;
else fDegrees = (celsius * 1.8 + 32.0) * 10;
if (iterator==8) iterator=0;
return fDegrees;

#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)

void timerSetup()
//timer3 setup for calling doIndication function
TCCR4A = 0; //control registers reset (WGM21, WGM20)
TCCR4B = 0; //control registers reset
TCCR4B = (1 << CS12)|(1 << CS10)|(1 << WGM12); //prescaler 1024 and CTC mode
//OCR5A = 31; //2 mS
TCNT4=0; //reset counter to 0
OCR4A = 46; //3mS
//OCR4A = 92; //6mS
TIMSK4 = (1 << OCIE1A);//TIMER3_COMPA_vect interrupt enable

void testDS3231TempSensor()
int8_t DS3231InternalTemperature=0;

Wire.requestFrom(DS1307_ADDRESS, 2);;
if ((DS3231InternalTemperature<5) || (DS3231InternalTemperature>60))
Serial.println(F(“Faulty DS3231!”));
for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
{, 1000);

Xmas star door/ window hanger Arduino nano and WS2812 LEDS with LDR

The latest arduino code WITH LDR is HERE:

The LDR is to be soldered between A0 and GND.

The data output is D5 and this must be connected to Data-in of the WS2812 (B) string.  5V and GND goes to the power source, which is also connected to the Arduino Nano.

The STL file for the star parts is HERE.  Print this x5 in semi-transparant white.

The small Xmas- star measures 50cm in diameter from left- tip to right-tip. I printed it with glow in the dark ABS, white.  It glows in very faint green, it is just enough to glow a little and keeps your eyes focused on the star when it is not lit.

If you make the star legs watertight with silicon sealant, the star can easily be attached to an outside wall, door or fence.

ou can use a long 3-wire cable between the Nano and the Xmas star to keep the electronics mounted inside the house and the star outside, or as I did: hang the star inside, in front of any window.  I have the star hanging in my front door window, which gives amazing effect due to the non-transparant glass.

The programming can be altered to make the light effects behaviour any way you like.  I usually have a non-stroboscopic fluent scene running.

You need to print 5 star points, feed the LEDs through them and then have the wires come out somewhere.  You can glue the points together with hotglue or transparent silicone sealant after assembly and testing.

If you don’t have the Arduino IDE yet, download the app from the Microsoft website (Arduino IDE) nor from the Arduino cummunity forum.

Make sure you download my Arduino code and open it with the Arduino IDE APP. Probably the APP will have to move the arduino INO file to a new directory but that should do the trick. If not, start the Arduino app, open my code in notepad and copy/paste it as fully new code into Arduino:  Replace the example code that automatically opens when you open the Arduino program/app with my code.  Save it and rum it to see wether you need to add any library.  For adding libraries, find general help in the Arduino forum.  In my code, you can find the names of the required libraries.


In the Arduino IDE select the right microprocessor (Arduino Nano).  Then select the correct processor version (large or small memory) and the old or new bootloader.  These choices depend on the type of Nano you bought or still had lying around.  Then you choose the right port (USB) for your Nano.

To test if you have connection between IDE and Nano , you can ask if the Arduino IDE can read your Nano.  Only then you can start loading the Nano with the complicated program.

The BIG 70cm width 5-pointed star with thin hollow legs to put the WS2812 LED string through. AND an integrated tube to put the wiring through


The Arduino programming file is HERE.

The latest arduino code WITH LDR is HERE:

The STL file for the big star is HERE.

Afterthougts: I also made circular designs, dual oval crossing designs and a lot of designs that I tied to existing shapes like a steel star, some Xmas animals and so on.  The light design I made varies per application,  A star typically requires a specific design due to its shape.  A cicular design needs more of a scattered design and a straight string or a balcony-wrapped design all require specific patterns of LED programs.

I will also try to implement an auto-scanner in the setup part of the code to identify the number of LEDS that is used, since this is required to get good petterns to the string used.  (set NUMPIXELS automatically)

Circular clock WS2812 & Arduino nano


In the above video you see all required parts for the elctronics.  An arduino Nano, a time module LS3231 with battery back-up and a 4-parts ring each with 15 WS2812 LED’s that provide a 160mm 60 LED units clock.  You can build it as an open built unit as shown above with wire strings or in a 3d printable slim case that I developed.  See the pictures below.

For building this nice precise clock, you can use my design files for the housing on any 3d printer that has a horizontal bed size of at least 165x165mm.

Grab both the print STL’s . HERE. from the Prusa shared site where I uploaded these designs. (If the link breaks, search on the prusa site for ws2812 circular arduino clock).

OR get the STL file for the clock’s FRONT from my website HERE

AND get the STL file for the clock’s REAR from my website HERE

One STL is for the rear and includes the Nano box, the other is for the front face of the clock.  Position the rear STL 180 degrees (so up goes down) in your slicer, so both the box and the LED housing are at Z-0 level, i.e. facing down at the same horizontal level.   The front can best be printed with the flat side down.  ABS is not recommended since it has less stiffness, but will probably also work.  For me PETG or PLA works best.

Use white filament for the front part, the rear can be any color you like.

In the circle the 4 WS2812 LED segments are positioned in 1 full circle of about 160mm.

Once you have the rear electronics connected, the front will slide snug over it. No glue required.  But the LED ring can best be glued in 4 places with a drop of hotglue to the base of the rear housing.  Best to do this after you are sure everything works OK.

The LED parts are available on a.o. banggood , aliexpress and so on, search for 60LED circle WS2812 that has the 160 mm outer diameter.

Each LED represents a dot either for seconds, minutes or as hour indicator.

The colors detemine the function.  Blue is also used as Quarter indicator with less intensity, to have a feeling of positioning for the other LEDS when it is dark.

Please look at the video above of the ‘open’ demo model to understand how it works.

Below you can find the Arduino code for the used Nano3, as-is.  it works for me, and in the code you will also find all required electrical connections and the used Time module’s spec.

When connected to your PC, you can program the Arduino and via the serial interface you can afterwards change special settings of the clock like brightness, special quarter dimlit indicators, et cetera.  it’s all in the code below.

The controls can be sent via a serial interface with the usb input of the Arduino, via a terminalprogram like YAT or with the Arduino IDE program’s interface.

The commands are:

  • f; fader OFF
  • F; fader ON
  • m (number); dim the 4 blue marker LED’s with value (number)
  • S; sync to RTC time
  • s; sync to System time (computer)
  • t (time); change system time to:
  • b; brightness of all non-marker LEDs

Please donate $1 to my paypal account if you use (parts of) my developed materials so I can continue to share nice stuff for you to download

Hope you will have a good build!



The Arduino code, to be used for programming the Arduino Nano3 is available at the bottom of this post as plain text to be imported in an empty arduino file (with copy and paste).

Take care to use only the libraries and time module that are specified in the code!  The used time module is of the better generation that holds the time very well, also on standby.

When connecting the wires between the neopixel segments, the arduino and the time module, use a temperature-regulated soldering tool.  Use a fan when you are soldering and don’t inhale the toxic gases while soldering.

The Arduino code is shown below, to be imported in Arduino in an .ino file.  With Arduino, you must compile the code to get the Arduino flashed with the program.  If you want to do this easier, you can make use of the binary file I already compiled for both Arduino nano versions (with full memory and with half memory). Both Arduino nano types will be OK to use for this build, but they each require specific firmware.

The last part of this post is the Arduino program for the clock:


* NeoClock
* Clock using 60 WS2812B/Neopixel LEDs and DS3231 RTC
* Small changes and updates made by jan Griffioen, Amsterdam Europe 2018-2021
* Libraries needed:
* * Adafruit NeoPixel (Library Manager) – Phil Burgess / Paint Your Dragon for Adafruit Industries – LGPL3
* *
* * Arduino Timezone Library ( – Jack Christensen – CC-BY-SA
* * Time Library ( – Paul Stoffregen, Michael Margolis – LGPL2.1

#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#ifdef __AVR__
#include <avr/power.h>

#if defined(ESP8266)
#include <pgmspace.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>

/* for software wire use below
#include <SoftwareWire.h> // must be included here so that Arduino library object file references work
#include <RtcDS3231.h>

SoftwareWire myWire(SDA, SCL);
RtcDS3231<SoftwareWire> Rtc(myWire);
for software wire use above */

/* for normal hardware wire use below */
#include <Wire.h> // must be included here so that Arduino library object file references work
#include <RtcDS3231.h>
RtcDS3231<TwoWire> Rtc(Wire);
/* for normal hardware wire use above */

#include <TimeLib.h> //
#include <Timezone.h> //

#include <EEPROM.h>

//Central European Time (Frankfurt, Paris)
TimeChangeRule CEST = {“CEST”, Last, Sun, Mar, 2, 120}; //Central European Summer Time
TimeChangeRule CET = {“CET “, Last, Sun, Oct, 3, 60}; //Central European Standard Time
Timezone CE(CEST, CET);

TimeChangeRule *tcr; //pointer to the time change rule, use to get the TZ abbrev
time_t utc;

#define PIN 5

unsigned long lastMillis = millis();
byte dimmer = 0x88;
byte hmark = 0;

byte ohour=0;
byte ominute=0;
byte osecond=0;

boolean fader=true;

Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(60, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

void setup() {



// Some example procedures showing how to display to the pixels:
// colorWipe(strip.Color(255, 0, 0), 50); // Red
//colorWipe(strip.Color(0, 255, 0), 50); // Green
//colorWipe(strip.Color(0, 0, 255), 50); // Blue
//colorWipe(strip.Color(0, 0, 0, 255), 50); // White RGBW
// Send a theater pixel chase in…
//theaterChase(strip.Color(127, 127, 127), 50); // White
theaterChase(strip.Color(127, 0, 0), 50); // Red
//theaterChase(strip.Color(0, 0, 127), 50); // Blue


strip.clear();; // Initialize all pixels to ‘off’



if (!Rtc.GetIsRunning())
Serial.println(“Rtc was not actively running, starting now”);

if (!Rtc.IsDateTimeValid())
// Common Cuases:
// 1) the battery on the device is low or even missing and the power line was disconnected
Serial.println(“Rtc lost confidence in the DateTime!”);

byte eechk =;
if(eechk == 0xAA) { //Assume this is our config and not a fresh chip
dimmer =;
hmark =;
fader =;


void calcTime(void) {
utc = now();
CE.toLocal(utc, &tcr);
ohour = hour(utc);
ominute = minute(utc);
if(osecond != second(utc)) {
osecond = second(utc);
lastMillis = millis();

if(ominute == 0 && osecond == 0) {
//Every hour

void addPixelColor(byte pixel, byte color, byte brightness) {
color *= 8;
uint32_t acolor = brightness;
acolor <<= color;
uint32_t ocolor = strip.getPixelColor(pixel);
ocolor |= acolor;
strip.setPixelColor(pixel, ocolor);

void drawClock(byte h, byte m, byte s) {

addPixelColor(m, 1, dimmer);

if(hmark > 0) {
for(byte i = 0; i<12; i++) {
addPixelColor((5*i), 2, hmark);

h %= 12;
h *= 5;
h += (m/12);
addPixelColor(h, 2, dimmer);
// 0x RR GG BB

if(fader) {
byte dim_s1 = dimmer;
byte dim_s2 = 0;
byte px_s2 = s+1;
if(px_s2 >= 60) px_s2 = 0;
unsigned long curMillis = millis()-lastMillis;
if(curMillis < 250) {
dim_s2 = 0;
dim_s1 = dimmer;
dim_s2 = map(curMillis, 250, 1000, 0, dimmer);
dim_s1 = dimmer – map(curMillis, 250, 1000, 0, dimmer);

// Add blue low intensity dots for 12(0),3, 6 and 9 O’çlock to verify where the clock is positioned..
addPixelColor(15, 128, 10);
addPixelColor(30, 128, 10);
addPixelColor(45, 128, 10);
addPixelColor(0, 128, 40);

addPixelColor(s, 0, dim_s1);
addPixelColor(px_s2, 0, dim_s2);
addPixelColor(s, 0, dimmer);

// add a background color
// setBrightness(Serial.parseInt());
// uint16_t j;
// for(j=0; j<60; j++) { // 1 cycles of colors on wheel
// strip.setPixelColor(j, Wheel(((j * 256 / strip.numPixels()) + j) & 255));
// };

byte rounds = 0;

void loop() {

if(rounds++ > 100) {
rounds = 0;

if (osecond == 59){theaterChase(strip.Color(0, 0, 127), 40); }// Blue; }
//if (ominute == 59 AND osecond == 59){theaterChase(strip.Color(0, 127, 0), 50); }// Green}
//if (ohour == 11 AND ominute == 59 AND osecond == 59){theaterChase(strip.Color(127, 127, 0), 50); }// Green}
else {drawClock(ohour,ominute,osecond);}



void timeSync(void) {
RtcDateTime dt = Rtc.GetDateTime();

Serial.print(“Synced to: “);

void timeSave(void) {
utc = now();

RtcDateTime store = RtcDateTime(year(utc), month(utc), day(utc), hour(utc), minute(utc), second(utc));

Serial.print(“Synced to: “);


void setBrightness(byte brightness) {
dimmer = brightness;

void chkSer(void) {
unsigned int iy;
byte im,id,iH,iM,iS;

if(!Serial.available()) return;

switch( {
case ‘b’:
Serial.print(F(“Brightness changed to: “));
EEPROM.put(0, 0xAA);
EEPROM.put(1, dimmer);
case ‘t’:
iy = Serial.parseInt();
im = Serial.parseInt();
id = Serial.parseInt();
iH = Serial.parseInt();
iM = Serial.parseInt();
iS = Serial.parseInt();
Serial.println(F(“System time changed”));
case ‘f’:
fader = false;
EEPROM.put(0, 0xAA);
EEPROM.put(3, 0);
Serial.println(F(“Fader off”));
case ‘F’:
fader = true;
EEPROM.put(0, 0xAA);
EEPROM.put(3, 1);
Serial.println(F(“Fader on”));
case ‘m’:
hmark = Serial.parseInt();
EEPROM.put(0, 0xAA);
EEPROM.put(2, hmark);
Serial.println(F(“HMark changed”));
case ‘s’:
Serial.println(F(“Synced RTC to System”));
case ‘S’:
Serial.println(F(“Synced System to RTC”));

// Fill the dots one after the other with a color
void colorWipe(uint32_t c, uint8_t wait) {
for(uint16_t i=0; i<strip.numPixels(); i++) {
strip.setPixelColor(i, c);;

void rainbow(uint8_t wait) {
uint16_t i, j;

for(j=0; j<256; j++) {
for(i=0; i<strip.numPixels(); i++) {
strip.setPixelColor(i, Wheel((i+j) & 25));//255

// Slightly different, this makes the rainbow equally distributed throughout
void rainbowCycle(uint8_t wait) {
uint16_t i, j;

for(j=0; j<256*5; j++) { // 5 cycles of all colors on wheel
for(i=0; i< strip.numPixels(); i++) {
strip.setPixelColor(i, Wheel(((i * 256 / strip.numPixels()) + j) & 255));

//Theatre-style crawling lights.
void theaterChase(uint32_t c, uint8_t wait) {
for (int j=0; j<4; j++) { //do 4 cycles of chasing
for (int q=0; q < 3; q++) {
for (uint16_t i=0; i < strip.numPixels(); i=i+3) {
strip.setPixelColor(i+q, c); //turn every third pixel on


for (uint16_t i=0; i < strip.numPixels(); i=i+3) {
strip.setPixelColor(i+q, 0); //turn every third pixel off

//Theatre-style crawling lights with rainbow effect
void theaterChaseRainbow(uint8_t wait) {
for (int j=0; j < 256; j++) { // cycle all 256 colors in the wheel
for (int q=0; q < 3; q++) {
for (uint16_t i=0; i < strip.numPixels(); i=i+3) {
strip.setPixelColor(i+q, Wheel( (i+j) % 255)); //turn every third pixel on


for (uint16_t i=0; i < strip.numPixels(); i=i+3) {
strip.setPixelColor(i+q, 0); //turn every third pixel off

// Input a value 0 to 255 to get a color value.
// The colours are a transition r – g – b – back to r.
uint32_t Wheel(byte WheelPos) {
WheelPos = 255 – WheelPos;
if(WheelPos < 85) {
return strip.Color(255 – WheelPos * 3, 0, WheelPos * 3);
if(WheelPos < 170) {
WheelPos -= 85;
return strip.Color(0, WheelPos * 3, 255 – WheelPos * 3);
WheelPos -= 170;
return strip.Color(WheelPos * 3, 255 – WheelPos * 3, 0);

OCTOWS2811, Teensy 1.4 & JINX 64×32 LED display

Using an octoWS2811 is the easiest way to make a LED display as shown above.

For this to work properly you will first need to flash a Teensy module with the correct ARDUINO program and .firmware from HERE:

Arduino IDE – Microsoft Store-toepassingen

Install Arduino including the Teensy libraries and then download the firmware (program file for Arduino, this is an example for 8 straight tubes with 32 x WS2812 ) HERE:


Then connect the Teensy to your PC, check that Ardiuno recognises rthe Teensy and run the driver program to make the Teensy work as WS2812  LCD driver board.

Then, uncouple the Teensy and plug the teensy into the OCTOWS2811 connector module.

In the RJ45 sockets of the OCTOWS2811 module, plug 2 LAN cables and connect the other end to the WS2812 LED modules.

The maximum number of connections to the LED matrices or DIY strings of WS2812’s is 2×4=8 (Octo).

Then, download JINX HERE: jinx

Run JINX directly  (as jinx.exe , no install needed) after you have decompressed the files.

Connect the Teensy with the USB port to your PC/Laptop.

Power your LED matrices to a beefy 5V PSU.

Check yor wiring.

Define your WS2812  setup in JINX (size X*Y, type of direction, zigzag or other, etcetera) so the output will be pre-formatted correctly for your setup.

Start any output and test it.

If not OK, redefine our preformatted setting of the matrix/tubes setup.


CNC pendant for Duet2wifi and Indymill

On the Duet support site a very good description and software for rebuilding a Chinese CNC-pendant for the Duet2wifi is available.

I used this description to program an arduino pro micro, and connect it to the pendant wired, place it inside the pendant and connected the pendant with 4 wires to the Duet.  This works very well.

In the process, I developed some schematics that may be useful to you, available in this post:

Needed: an arduino pro micro and a pendant like this:

China Universal 5V 100PPR CNC 4 Axis Mpg Pendant Handwheel and Emergency Stop F/ Siemens - China CNC Handwheel, Mpg Handwheel


In the above picture, the coloured wires on the inside of the CNC pendant are shown. These wires need to be soldered to the correct pins of the Arduino pro micro (at the right)

My mini shop

One of the 2nd floor bedrooms was converted into my 3.5×2  meters mini in-house workshop… The garage is used for my larger machines like the lathes, milling- and welding machines, laser cutter et cetera…