New version V3 after the second fit:
The mount on the Z-column needed to get UP so the NEMA23 teethed wheel gets at the same level as the wheel that is mounted on the leadscrew.
Required hardware:
- 3d printed Z-axis adapter
- Nema23 stepper 76 mm length with enough torque, 8mm axle diameter
- 48teeth M3 teethed wheel of 11mm width, 10mm hole with collar for the leadscrew
- 24 teeth M3 teethed wheel 11mm width , 8mm hole with collar for the Nema23 stepper motor
- new M6 40mm length bolts flathead for the top connection to the Z column
- 4 bolts and nuts M5 to mount the Nema 23 stepper
- teethed belt 300mm M3 (100 teeth) 9 or 10mm
OR, use the 72 teethed wheel on the leadscrew and get a larger length belt of (I estimate) 330-350 mm
OR.. another way to mount the Nema23stepper is at the rear of the Z column, BUT I don’t want it to stick out at the rear, that’s why I decided to mount the stepper at the left of the Z-column…

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