The design for the Y-axis mounting plate for the Nema23 stepper is shown below and can be 3dprinted or, as I will do after the printed part proves to fit well, CNC it in aluminium on my CNC Indymill router.
The Y-axis adapter proved to be the most difficult design. It took me 15 trial prints before I got everyting fully optimized. And I also wanted to have a debree screen with a removable lid, which took some energy to test this. Also, the belt has to have a clean route where it sits between the wheel.
The physical data for this setup:
- Nema23 stepper motor
- 3d printed parts: a: Baseplate inclusing risers for motormount and shield; b: lid
- Teethed wheel for the Nema23 8mm axle: 10mm wide, 24 teeth M3 with chest
- Teethed wheel for the leadscrew 10mm axle: 10mm wide: 48 teeth M3 with chest, machined on the teethed inside 9mm depth with a width of 33 mm diameter to fit the chest of the leadscrew bearing holder
- The fitting belt is 9mm wide, 300 mm long and has 100 teeth (M3)
GOTO the MiniMill’s X-axis CNC Nema23 mounting plate
GOTO the MiniMill’s Z-axis CNC Nema23 mounting plate
Machined the inner part out on the lathe so it will slide for about 9mm over the Y axis’ leadscrew bearing holder

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