Ever since my kids got an interest in lomography early 2021, it started itching in my head.
I have a lot of analogue photo equipment stowed away, just because I can never throw anything away that might possibly turn out to be useful someday.
So- I got a supplier for my juices and film and I tried reviving my cams. That turned out to be more difficult than I expected.
The T70: no problem, just put 2x AA batteries in it and it’s OK.
But-my favourite T90’s just would’nt fire any shots. After a lot of reading on the net, I finally found the problem: One of the coils appeared to require some magnetism from a nedymium magnet and all works well again!
So I did this and it worked. Actually, I removed the magnet and the camera kept working for some time.
But next day I had to do the same ritual again. and again.

So- the T90’s are in the storage again.
And- My newer Eos 500 worked perfectly! Everything automatically, AF and all! This is just a modern camera that has all you may need. The EF lenses all fit so I can start shooting with this 35mm cam, again!
I will only do B&W, since my enlarger and all of my dark room equipment is for B&W. I received the needed liquids last week, and I’m ready to go!
I will add new posts and add the links above when I start developing my first roll of 35 mm film, in black and white !