Dual magnetic parking extruders I3 Bear Duet2wifi build and Config files

My dual carriage I3-bear based 3d printer is working very well.

On this page I share my latest configuration files, my build experiences like the used STL’s , schematics and so on. 

Hope you enjoy!

Be aware that the tool settings in config.g are set including relative X, Y, Z values for this build so DO NOT put this in your slicer! 

And- you need at least RRF3.3.1 for reprap FW and for DWC. 

The sensorless homimg also requires knowledge of config settings and the good news is that the Duet2wifi has this all managed by the reprap firmware.  No switches needed or complex jumper settings!

Tip for printing the parts: I used ABS for all parts. Use at least a printer with calibrated XYZ values for your specific filament. 

Do a testcube first and apply any needed adjusting to your slicer’s settings like pre-shrinking settings of the endresult and so on. 

If you don’t do this, then don’t start this build. 

It is a prerequisite to get the magnetic carriage to deliver-and get the carriages from left and right of the X-axis. 

Therefore the movement needs to be free of unneccessary friction. 

And– if you use sensorless homing any additional friction on any sensorless homed axis might lead to unintended stalls.

I added a dripstop to the left and right hand sided X-carriages, made of some thin tinned plate.

It is positioned so, that a little tension is put on the nozzle tip in the parking position. It really works very well!

Please donate $1 to my paypal account if you use (parts of) my firmware developments so I can continue to share nice stuff for you to download

The config.g for this build and the Duet2wifi is HERE

The Sys directory for the dual carriage build and Duet2wifi is HERE

The Macros directory for the dual carriage build and Duet2wifi is HERE

The build plan for the 2040 extrusion frame is HERE

2.1 version Prusa i3 MK3/MK3S Bear Z Extended 459mm Black kit 2040  Extrusion Anodized After Cut Prusa i3 MK3 Bear Profile Frame|3D Printer  Parts & Accessories| - AliExpress

The following is available in the public domain as sharable content under the user-agreements as produced by its original authors::

The STL files for the X-axis carriages and carriages are HERE

All other needed STL files for the printer are HERE

The Duet’s case and 4.3 inch Paneldue’s case are HERE

The page of the working printer is HERE

The build plans for the electronics and Duet2wifi wiring schemes are HERE