NEW VERSION with debree screen:

For this setup you need
- 1 piece Nema23 56 length stepper motor with 6.35 mm axis
- 1 piece 12-teethed M3 wheel with collar, hole dia 6.35 mm, 11 mm width
- 1 piece 24-teethed M3 wheel with NO collar, hole dia 10 mm, 11 mm width
- Teethed M3 belt , 9 mm wide and length 255 or 275 mm (need to check this)
- 3d printed parts
- M8 rings and nut
Here the connection is shown onto the X-axis/ leadscrew bearing holder with 2 M6 bolts.
And front lid:
And the Milling design for the base plate for CNC machining in aluminium should you prefer this.
The 3D print file for the debree cover and the stepper motor risers, to be placed on the aluminium milled base plate:
Please donate $1 to my paypal account if you use (parts of) my developed materials so I can continue to share nice stuff for you to download