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- DIY STL lamp shade for tea light
- Review and teardown cheap small banggood windmill 6 blades 44 inch wing span
- My 3D printers LIVE action
- Free STL download 2-part case for SEEED XIAO nano SAMD or RP2040
- free download of a cable connectorbox for 3mm 3-wire RGB LED cable/connectors
- Free download STL files multicolor gadget open hollow multicolor 3d printer designs
- : Our English site is no longer fully mirrored to our original Dutch website as of July 1st, 2024
- Several STL design lampshades for 3d printer large socket E27 LED bulb
- STL Design lampshade large socket E27 for 3d printer
- 125 mm airco hose adapter STL printable file for standard 42x375mm window vents
- BYD Atto3 upgraded black C-pillar covers
- Replaced my softail’s rear shocks
- Harley Davidson Heritage lifted front fork 2 inch overstock
- Replacing the heater mosfet B6066 of a Mellow Fly SB2040 pro plus Canbus 3d printer’s Voron Stealthburner toolhead PCB
- mysterious anonymous art placement in Amsterdam, Europe
- Switched to a Chinese high-flow CHT nozzle – Now, what is wrong with this ABS printed test cube?
- Heated bed alternative fixture for Voron 2.4 3d printer
- Commisioning my VORON2.4 600 3d printer with OCTOPRINT, KLIPPER, CANBUS FLY SB2040 PROplus toolhead module + KNOMI V2, OCTOPUS Pro F429 motherboard and PICAN module
- Pocket watch ‘Cylindre 10 rubis’
- Building a BIG Voron 2.4 R2 CANBUS 600mm 3d printer
- Chevrolet Camaro 1970 3D armrest reproduction
- STL design for 4 segments 60-led Arduino clock mounting
- Voron 2.4 exhaust adapter from fan 60mm 45 degrees to 40mm pipe STL printable design
- BYD Atto 3: User experiences after 9 months and 10,000 miles
- BYD Atto 3: Mounting an original BYD dashcam DIY
- Traction Avant 11BN art deco hood mascotte install selecteuse
- Converting HI8 videotapes to digital video at high quality from Firewire DV to Thunderbolt 2 or Thunderbolt 3 USB-C
- Mazda 3 (2004) Android 11, 10 inch head unit with Steering Wheel Controls SWC
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- Free STL download 3d printable towbar ball cover
- STL download for a chalice shaped wax candle holder for 22mm high 40mm diameter wax candle cups
- Raise the HD Heritage FLSTCI (2004) 2 inches for improved ground clearance
- Joining multiple hollow bending tubes in Openscad with curvedPipe integrated libs
- 5 free printable stl files for original tabletop tealight holders
- printable stl file for battery-operated tea light holder
- Dual magnetic parking extruders I3 Bear Duet2wifi build and Config files
- GRA-AFCH NixieClockShield_NCS318_V1_94_TZ.ino with Time zone and automated summer/winter time with example video
- BYD Atto 3 tow bar
- Super large LED clock with WS2812 LEDS and Arduino nano+3231 clock module
- Starter motor Traction Avant (12 Volt) repair with new carbon brush
- BYD Atto3 -Spare tire in the trunk
- Xmas star door/ window hanger Arduino nano and WS2812 LEDS with LDR
- BYD Atto 3- under the bonnet
- BYD Atto3 on all-weather tires Bridgestone 235/50 R18 101H XL (GAN) Weather Control A005
- BYD Atto 3 delivered 2022-11-14th!
- Charge connection via extension cable and connection box to wallbox copper
- Harley-Davidson-livewire-electric-motorcycle-spotted in Amsterdam as a Zündapp ??, 2022-11-05
- EV charging across the public pavement with flat EV cable mat (C)
- Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, September 8th 2022
- TOYOTA LC80 CRAWLER SCALER 1 to 10 scaled
- E3D toolchanger 4xHemera direct drive first 4-color PLA benchy & 3D-world
- E3D toolchanger: Tuning the tool pickups with reprap global variables and macro’s assistance
- E3D toolchanger upgrade: X-and Y- axis homing switches installing and configuring
- Managing power consumption at home with AR12DX metering modules / load switches / priority switches in the distribution cabinet
- Reduced usage of natural gas – Electric supplementary heating or a heat pump installation?
- Toolhead stepper fault and solution
- E3D toolchanger Hymera fans 2, 4, 6 and 8 intermittent problem solved
- EV-battery types compared
- Silencing my HD Heritage
- All galleries
- E3D 4-toolchanger 3D printer updates
- Custom E3D toolchanger Dock adapter plate
- Calibrating E3D coreXY 4-toolchanger 3d printer
- Mamiya RZ67 downloads
- My Traction Avant conversion to 4 gears
- Building E3D coreXY 4-toolchanger 3d printer
- Circular clock WS2812 & Arduino nano
- Charging your EV over and above the public sidewalk with an extendable hinged cable jack
- Indymill CNC Controller -tests and the final choice- and WHY
- STL files for Minimill WMD16LV CNC conversion direct drive CNC adapters downloads with NEMA23 steppers
- Mamiya Aptus leaf P65 V-mount user experiences 2022
- Mamiya RZ67 bellows replacement
- Mamiya RZ67 repair shutter release electronics problem(s)
- Mamiya RZ67 cocking shutter repair
- Scanning
- Mamiya RZ67 + Aptus leaf 65 + Phase One adapter Hasselblad V-mount
- Lomography with my old 35mm Canon T70, T90’s, EOS500 and my Lubitel’s 6x6cm
- Monoprice MiniDelta V2 GD32F103 ARM MJR83B motherboard
- BTT BIQU H2 extruder in 2trees Spro
- Upgrade Voron2.4 Octopi for Python3 with RPI/4b/4Gb and 2x SKR1.4 T
- 3d printer IDEX PrusaBear dual X-axis for dual independant extruders
- Printing at maximum width on my Geeetech A30M with PETG and the Duet2wifi board
- OpenCNC hardware driver board with 2x Arduino Mega mini controller and wifi controller box
- CNC Minimill 4th axis tool with 100mm 4-claw toolhead NEMA23 belt-driven
- Building a Prusa mini clone (Fysetc parts)
- Minimill CNC conversion WMD16LV Z-axis adapter for NEMA23 direct drive
- Minimill CNC conversion WMD16LV X-axis adapter for NEMA23 direct drive
- Minimill CNC conversion WMD16LV Y-axis adapter for NEMA23 direct drive
- CNC conversion of my Toolmania WBM16LV (TM BF 16) mill with NEMA23 steppers, 3dprinted adapters, teethed wheels and teethed belts
- Minimill CNC conversion Toolmania WMD16LV endstops
- Minimill CNC conversion WMD16LV Z-axis adapter for NEMA23 and M3 teethed belt
- STL download for the belt driven adapters of the WMD16LV minimill and Nema23
- Minimill CNC conversion WMD16LV X-axis adapter for NEMA23 and M3 teethed belt
- Minimill CNC conversion WMD16LV Y-axis 3d printed adapter for NEMA23 and M3 teethed belt
- MACH-3 integrated driver board USB-CNC-MDK2
- Triton junior lathe
- Toolmania WBM16LV Mill with X-Y-Z1 en Z2 reading
- Clayton Traction Avant heater and front window defroster
- Web hosting at home with a DS718+ Synology Web server
- OCTOWS2811, Teensy 1.4 & JINX 64×32 LED display